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About Ricky Hooks

Your Northern Arizona Tree Expert

Ricky Hooks, a devoted resident of the region for over 8 years, shares his home with his loving wife and four children. Nestled amidst the breathtaking mountains of northern Arizona, he has developed a profound affection for the diverse trees that grace the landscape. Ricky's passion for trees shines through in every conversation, reflecting his unwavering commitment to the local environment.


With a strong track record of service across northern Arizona, Ricky is dedicated to enhancing the community's well-being, come rain or shine. He takes immense pride in understanding your unique needs and ensuring your home remains a sanctuary of both beauty and safety. Ricky's enthusiasm for sharing his tree expertise knows no bounds; even his children can identify various tree species.


Hailing from the South, Ricky brings a deep-rooted work ethic to every project, ensuring each job is completed with excellence. Committed to continuous growth and learning, he eagerly invests in expanding his knowledge and honing his skills to contribute to the beauty of northern Arizona, making it an even more remarkable place to call home.

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Contact us today for a free consultation and quote. We pride ourselves on our professionalism and expertise. Let us transform your outdoor space into a beautiful and thriving landscape.

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